Rock n’ Water
Away from the cities,
nestled in the hills,
by the lollipop tree,
and a river that fills,
There is a small beach
between brush, with a rock,
a sound place to stand,
a bit firmer than sand.
‘Rock n’ Water’
this place has been deemed,
and many a young person
has stood here and dreamed.
Awaiting a raft,
and a day full of fun.
Learning how with one bucket,
to splash everyone!
Then off we go
rafting, climbing and more,
Pushing limits, Seeking truth –
Fellowship to restore.
Each has a moment
to face what they fear,
With a guide, friends and faith,
any challenge, we’ll clear!
The sun sets each night,
past the rock, past the hills.
People come. People go.
We share time. God full fills.
We light fires in the dark,
and sing rounds of song,
We clap hands like rain,
and shout O’ Akimbo, Ukimba, Lou’eh!
We laugh, and we pray,
and we seek understanding.
Then under the stars,
in sound slumber, we’re landing.
Such a special place,
tucked away in the world.
A rock to stand on,
amidst the swirl.
By Julia Stefik: 2015 Writing Contest