Update: 6/25/2012 - All scholarships have been awarded.
Rock-N-Water, through the Christian Camp and Conference Association’s – Corners of the Field program, has just been awarded 5 camperships of $125/person to be distributed among campers of Rock-N-Water Christian summer camps that meet the following conditions:
Campers must be under 18 years old and attending 3 or more active days at Rock-N-Water from June 24 through August 31 2012.
Applicants must have a combined household Federal Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of less than the amount specified in the table below.
Combined scholarships and assistance from additional outside sources cannot reduce the final cost to the participant below $10 per active day at RNW. We have found that participants with a personal financial investment (even if minimal), typically get more out of their camp experience, and are far more likely to show up than those receiving 100% financial assistance. Eligibility1 Person2 Person3 Person4 Person5 Person6 PersonMax AGI$19,064$25,756$32,448$39,140$45,832$52,524For more than 6 People use: Max AGI = (# people x 6,692) + 12,372
If you, or someone you know, was thinking about coming to Rock-N-Water this summer, but finances were getting in the way of coming, then please contact us for information on the Campership Application.
The deadline for getting your completed application to Rock-N-Water is Wednesday June 20th. Eligible applications will be drawn at random the following day until all camperships have been awarded.
Many thanks to the Christian Camp and Conference Association for their hard work in securing the funding to make these camperships possible.
Jansen Wendlandt Rock-N-Water