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49er Fun Staff Interview; Sean Rohrer

Have you ever thought about working for Rock-N-Water as a 49er Fun guide in the spring?  The 49er fun program makes history come alive for 4th graders.  As a guide, you get to play a role from the past and be a living history guide from the gold rush, and teach 4th graders that God is great than gold.  What’s not to love about that?!

We wanted to share a bit of what one might expect to take away when working as a 49er Fun guide at camp. Below is an interview with one of our  49er fun staff, Sean Rohrer (AKA – Junior).  Sean Rohrer, along with the Rohrer family, has been a part of Rock-N-Water’s spring program for many years. We asked him to share his thoughts about working at Rock-N-Water as a 49er fun guide.  Here are his answers;

How long have you been a Living History guide at Rock-N-Water? What keeps you coming back?

 I have been at Rock-N-Water in some capacity ever since I was 5 years old, coming and being at camp with my family. Which is almost 17 years in total that I’ve been helping. 

I keep coming back because staff members are more than coworkers, they’re family. Working alongside brothers and sisters in christ and serving the Lord is refreshing, and there’s nothing I’d rather do. 

In what ways has working for Rock-N-Water challenged and grown you?

Working at camp has given me ample opportunity for growth. Whether it’s through public speaking, being thrust into leadership opportunities, or being challenged to always refer to God’s word to better myself and those around me. 

What has been your biggest takeaway or growth from being a part of Rock-N-Water’s 49er Fun program? 

 I would say just seeing how many people’s lives are touched by the men and women who serve in this program. God truly has ordained every word and deed that is said and done through camp staff, and it is such a blessing to witness that. 

What is your favorite part about being 49er Fun guide? Least favorite part? Why?

My favorite part would definitely be working alongside fellow believers and all the conversations that it leads to. It has challenged me in many ways to further explore what I believe and why I believe it, and it’s grounded me in my faith.

My last favorite part would have to be the chili… Gets a little old eating it every night since I started ;)

How did God reveal Himself to you this Spring through working at Rock-N-Water?

 This year when I came back in more of a volunteer position, I had more opportunity to talk with campers and get

to know the people that visit Rock-N-Water. the stories that many campers share about their lives and how God has used them makes me realize just how huge and awesome our Lord is. It’s such a blessing to hear and share testimonies with others, and to be encouraged through them. 

What are you most looking forward to next Spring if you return? 

The growth and challenges that God has for me. I never know what lessons I will have to learn, but I praise God that he reveals new ones every day. 

Are you planning on coming come back? If so, in what new ways are you hoping to see God grow you and continue to challenge you? 

 I will likely only visit camp this year, and only in a volunteer status, due to my full-time job. However, I am excited to see the lessons and growth staff members receive, and I pray that I will be blessed with opportunities to talk with more believers and be encouraged through them. 

Bonus questions! (optional) If you could change one thing about Rock-N-Water’s spring 49er fun program what would it be?

More extended trips that include rafting or other summer-type activities… More opportunities to get to know campers and grow connections. 


Interested in joining Rock-N-Water’s mission to impact people through God’s creation by being a living history guide? Learn more here. Did you like this interview-style post? Check out more staff interviews here.

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